This pain in my chest… I didn’t have words for it. I fell so quickly, so hard for Brenna. It was like jumping off a cliff and landing on the solid rock.
I couldn’t even make it make sense to myself. I barely knew the woman. She was beautiful, and kind, and clever, and had clearly experienced an entire world I knew nothing about. These were all admirable traits, but even together, they didn’t explain the depth of my feelings for her.
Idly, I wondered if she was some kind of witch who’d cast a spell over me. It wasn’t likely, but it was fun to consider as a way to ease the pain in my aching heart.
Bjorn. Like a brother to me. Of course Brenna was attracted to him. With his sheer size, he could impress most women. But he was also more brooding, more masculine than me. Among my remaining brothers I felt like a man, but next to him I look like someone’s kid brother.
It just wasn’t fair. There was no way I could compete, not if that was what she liked. And of course it was. It was what all women liked. Big, burly, brooding men who grunted responses and came home with blood in their beards from fighting their enemies.
I was still embarrassingly unable to grow a full beard, so I kept what I grew clean-shaven. I was reasonably tall, taller than Soren, but even though I was muscular it wasn’t the same kind of impressive size that either of the older men had. They liked to joke I could pass for a buff woman if I donned a dress, and while their teasing was all in good fun, I had to admit it hurt.
Women like Brenna didn’t want a pretty man; they wanted a strong, burly, masculine man.
And that wasn’t me.
I cut through the patch of woods between my house and Bjorn’s, whipping at the bright spring leaves that were still uncurling on the trees.
Fortunately, I hadn’t declared that I loved her.
But I knew, in the depths of my heart, that I loved her. From the moment I’d laid eyes on her—really seen her—I’d felt something. I’d even been impressed with her courage when she got between us and finishing our business with Skarde. But it wasn’t until I saw her in the bright sunlight, practically glowing, that my heart lurched in a way I didn’t quite understand.
And now I could never have her.
Or… could I?
Was I counting myself out of the race before it even started?
Brenna had appeared as surprised by Bjorn’s kiss as I had been. Perhaps I needed to be more aggressive, show her I meant what I said, that I wanted her.
That I would fight for her.
My heart raced, pulse pounding in my ears.
Yes, Bjorn was bigger than me, more masculine perhaps.
But I had skills he didn’t. And maybe those skills, and a little aggressiveness could make all the difference.
I wasn’t giving up on Brenna yet. The ache in my chest eased as I stepped quickly through the woods, plans surfacing in my mind to show Brenna that I was a far better fit for her than Bjorn.